Playground of Objects

Presented by Pink Arrow Arts
Chris Knickerbocker’s delightful solo exhibition is a playground of the imagination, inhabited by sweet humorous characters that recall another time and place while sparking new narratives.

Can You Hear Me Now?
Are you telling me to “mind my own beeswax”? Well, this here beeswax came all the way from Fatima, Portugal. It was a miracle cure back in days of yore. Trouble is, I can hear things I don’t want to- so no telling secrets in front of me as they stick to this ear right here.
Give this icon a hoot and a holler for its conflagration of wood and brass offerings. Created in the forest mantle by wandering fairies hoping to hide their true selves from nonbelievers. Entrusted to a wandering gypsy who agreed to share the story with others who may believe in magic.

Grandma's Cussin'
Grandma didn’t believe in curse words so she made up her own, or borrowed cuss words from her older sister Minnie. To honor Grandma, these cuss words are kept hidden in rebus puzzles. Can you solve them so you know what Grandma said when she got mad at Grandpa? By the way, he was easy to get mad at.
(answers- Gosh Darn It, Heaven To Betsy, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Oh Shoot).
Oddfellow Bellows
He’s got a lot to say but you have to get up close to hear him, or perhaps read his lips. Some say he is full of hot air, but the air was already taken out of him long ago. He grew the mustache thinking it made him look more prestigious when he became the Conductor of his local Odd Fellows Lodge.

Music Speaks to Me
When music speaks to me it fills my head and I can’t seem to tune it out. I spin around and around staring out and it mirrors what is in my soul. My throat calls out singing my favorite song from my first single 45. Some people join in and others run from the room as my voice ain’t what it used to be.
Little Ladies
Santa Rosa accompanies Pincushion Weavall on most excursions- providing divine protection and directional guidance as needed. In turn, Pincushion Weavall alerts Santa Rosa for lost souls, buttons and unraveling tapestries.

Just In My Opinion
There are always at least two sides to any discussion and most are just people expressing their beliefs. My expressed belief is that an outhouse can serve as a jail cell for a convicted felon who serves only those on his side of the fence. But that’s just my opinion.
He Got the Brush Off
Once the local Fuller Brush salesman retired he grew a beard and shaved off his sideburns. He really was never one to take care of his hair or hygiene. But he was optimistic about finding the love of his life and traveling to places not on his sales route. But online dating didn’t serve him well as his age showed up too clearly in his photos and he got the brush off from many a potential partner. He is considering going back to sales.

Fruit Fly
A local entomologist captured and pinned this rare insect. Rare because of its size and unusual body parts. Once this specimen was mounted and framed the entomologist was never heard from again.
It's Hardware to Find Your Way
It’s easy to get lost, especially without the right tools for wayfaring. This obelisk may not be able to fit into your pocket, but it does come with what you need to open doors to an adventure.